Welche Ausführungen habt ihr (Bestellt?)

Welche Spring Version habt ihr?

  • Umfrageteilnehmer

Springtreffen am Samstag, den 22.06.2024

Es ist endlich so weit. Die Anmeldung für das diesjährige Springtreffen am Samstag, den 22.06.2024 hat begonnen.

--> Hier geht es zur Anmeldung! <--


I did not expect people to buy the Orange Look package. People really like the orange colours? I ordered Comfort Plus (white) and no colour packs.
I'm not a big fan of it (kinda like it on the blue Spring tho), but I expected it to be delivered faster as it is the "standard". That's why I didn't go for the version without orange, which wasn't produced until later. There's some fans of the orange here, though, who customized all kinds of other stuff in orange too. :D I might just recolor the side mirrors.